Microbrewery Idea: More information, click HERE 1901 Princess Anne Street Fredericksburg, Virginia
Above, is a concept rendering, side elevation of the property as a Brew-Pub, or microbrewery, or just a restaurant. The main brick building has no insulation on the walls or ceiling (except the cold box). Walls are exposed brick. Wood rafters support a flat roof, maybe skylights in future. The building can be easily adapted to office, retail, a combination thereof and/or other uses. The main building features large windows that can be used or covered over. This concept presents a plan whereby the patio area might be enclosed to generate about another 2,500 sq. ft. of space.
PRICE: $395,000 (which is less than the assessed value for the land). Price is subject to change without notice.
Adaptive Reuse Double click thumbnails to enlarge Adaptive reuse is a win-win for everyone. The owner generally gets a property at a value (location, utilities, services) less than what it would cost to be in a vacant lot in suburbia; the neighborhood is revitalized; local, state and federal governments benefit from taxes generated from increased economic activity. Above, at the top of the web page is a side elevation rendering. THUMBNAILS, above: A photo of the existing conditions is followed by a front elevation rendering and concept of a layout. Overall, the concept is to use the land in front of the building.
The layout shows about 30+ parking spaces. Further refinement of the layout can accommodate how the loading dock would articulate to the new parking lot. NOTE: The architectural renderings illustrate concepts that require further research, analysis and change to comport to zoning and building codes. Recognition and thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency for the Brownfield grant; The City of Fredericksburg Department of Economic Development and Tourism, One Environment Group (Richmond, VA), and Herlong and Associates, architects (Fredericksburg, VA).
NOTE: the property extends beyond the fence. Above, City of Fredericksburg Tax Map of Subject, which fronts on both
Princess Land Area: Per the tax assessment is about 0.65 acre; HOWEVER, the recent plat of survey, which did not include the Caroline Street lot is 0.649 acres; add the land on Caroline Street and the Total Acreage is about 0.77 acres.
Location Located in: City of Fredericksburg Tourism Zone, Technology Zone, and Federal HUB Zone. Neighborhood is dominated by: a) major transportation arteries of Princess Anne Street, a gateway for the City (12,000 ADT, 2002) and Jefferson Davis Highway (29,000 ADT, 2007); the large open spaces of the riverfront parks bordering the Rappahannock River; and a low density urban settlement pattern transitioning to the historic downtown district.
TRAFFIC COUNTS Note: Rings are 3, 5, and 10 miles
from Subject (double click)
Click HERE for detailed Traffic County summary. Below, an aerial of Subject; property extends beyond the fenced area City of Fredericksburg Tax Map #: 23-A1901 GPIN #: 7779-98-5445 Property is sold in "As Is" condition, no warranties expressed or implied;
Please NOTE: Owner is a licensed real estate agent in the state of Virginia. Legal Description: Please click HERE for a PDF file Disclosure: Please click HERE for a copy of the Executive Summary of the Phase One report by Reddy Ice An asbestos study was done, December, 2012; results were: floor tiles in office have some asbestos (less than 3%); an area above one of the doors in the cold box has a black material containing some asbestos; and one brick wall in the cold box has a small amount of asbestos in the paint. A written report is expected by the end of the year. The 1959 survey cited in the legal description; click HERE The 2009 plat of survey is HERE; note that the survey did not include the lot on Caroline Street, which is included; Price is: $375,000; This offering is subject to change and/or withdrawal without notice. Building Area: Per the tax assessment is about 5,247 sq. ft. Land Area: Per the tax assessment is about 0.65 acre; HOWEVER, the recent plat of survey, which did not include the Caroline Street lot is 0.649 acres; add the land on Caroline Street and the Total Acreage is about 0.77 acres. Below, view to the north
Below, macro view
RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER HERITAGE TRAIL Location: Parking available in lots in Old Mill Park, along Riverside Drive, and at trailhead off Fall Hill Avenue.Hiking Time: About an hour (out and back) Difficulty: Easy, flat paved trail. Use caution crossing roadways. Length: 1.5 mile (out), 3.0 miles (out and back), 3.25 miles (Heritage and Canal Trail Loop) Features: The trail connects the two ends of the Canal Path at Fall Hill Avenue and at Princess Anne Street to complete a 3.25 mile loop. Scenic paved path along the Rappahannock River, passing by Old Mill Park and several historic buildings. Directions: Trail is available from several access points. Trailheads located at Princess Anne Street and Ford Street intersection, and off Fall Hill Avenue.
Below, view towards the northwest Zoning: source: City of Fredericksburg GIS, retrieved September, 2012 See bottom of this web page for zoning ordinance Demographics Click HERE for 2010 Census Data Click HERE for Income Projections for 2010
* data from STDB, ESRI; base data, 2010 Census Data ** data from STDB, ESRI, projections The City of Fredericksburg is:
TAX INCENTIVES AND GRANTS $ $ $ $ (maps of zones are found on the sub-menu at top of this page) The property is in the Technology Zone which provides for incentives to companies Click HERE for details; The property is in a Tourism Zone which provides incentives; Click HERE for details; The building is over 40 years old and might qualify for tax breaks on Rehabilitation; Click HERE for details; The EDA and other City of Fredericksburg programs offer grants to rehabilitate buildings, etc. Call Fredericksburg Economic Development Office at: 540.372.1216. The property is in a HUB Zone, which is a huge boost to a company doing business with the Federal Government. New City Economic Development Website EDA Façade Improvement Matching Grants The next round of applications is March 1, 2013. JumpStart! Matching Grants The next round of applications is March 1, 2013. Olde Towne Steak & Seafood and the Inn at the Olde Silk Mill received grants. New City Brownfield Grants Program for Environmental Assessments Brand new city program offering city grants for Phases 1 and II environmental assessments on properties suspected of having hazardous materials.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) City Council public hearing is November 13 with adoption expected by April. As proposed, it would make properties with a half acre or larger eligible for Planned Development-Mixed Use zoning Changes coming to Princess Anne corridor? (Fred.com) The Princess Anne Street corridor in Fredericksburg could look significantly different If you have any questions please reply to this e-mail or call us directly at (540) 372-1216. Amy Bettis Peregoy; Marketing and Information Specialist; Department of Economic Development and Tourism City of Fredericksburg 706 Caroline Street | Fredericksburg, VA 22401; (540) 372-1216 - Office | (540) 372-6587 - Fax Below, City of Fredericksburg tax assessment Source: City of Fredericksburg GIS, September, 2012
The ice making equipment is now gone; details at end of this web page.
Above, interior of the structures differs from the old building to the new ones. The old building housed the ice making operation. That equipment is gone, except for two of the Frick Compressors; soon to be gone as well. A basement in the rear of the building could easily increase the lower floor area, if that elevation is desired. The cold box storage area is a Freon system with compressors outside. The main brick building has no insulation on the walls or ceiling (except the cold box). Walls are exposed brick. Wood rafters support a flat roof. The building can be easily adapted to office, retail, a combination thereof and/or other uses. Below, the loading bay with an area that is wood wall, which might be taken out.
Below, there is a large open area behind the building
Commercial Highway Zoning Source: City of Fredericksburg, MUNI CODE Questions? Call City of Fredericksburg Planning Office: 540.372.1179 Property address is: 1901 Princess Anne Street Commercial Highway Zoning Sec. 78-577. - Purpose and intent. The commercial-highway (C-H) district is established to provide locations on heavily traveled collector and arterial highways for those commercial and service uses which are oriented to the automobile and require good access but not dependence on adjoining uses or pedestrian trade. The district shall generally be considered inappropriate in those parts of the city where individual uses can be grouped in preplanned concentrations and in newly developing areas, such as those in areas that have been annexed to the city. Adequate transportation and site planning of uses should have the goal of minimizing through-traffic movements. (Code 1991, § 14-466) Sec. 78-578. - Permitted uses. Permitted uses in C-H districts are as follows: (1) Business service and supply establishments. (2) Drive-in banks. (3) Eating establishments. (4) Fast food restaurants. (5) Financial institutions. (6) Funeral homes. (7) Hotels and motels. (8) Offices. (9) Personal service establishments. (10) Plant nurseries. (11) Quick service food stores. (12) Repair service establishments. (13) Retail trade establishments. (14) Laundromats, coin-operated. (15) Theaters. (16) Vehicle service establishments, including auto repair services within completely enclosed structures. (17) Vehicle sales, rental and service establishments. (18) Service stations. (19) Wholesale trade establishments. (20) Kennels and animal shelters. (21) Health club/fitness center.
(Code 1991, § 14-467; Ord. No. 06-25, § I, 8-8-2006) Sec. 78-579. - Uses permitted by special use permit. Uses permitted by special use permit in C-H districts are as follows: (1) Colleges and universities. (2) Libraries. (3) Museums. (4) Conference centers. (5) Post offices. (6) Fire stations. (7) Hospitals and medical care facilities. (8) Parking lots, commercial, off-street, as a principal use. (9) Police stations. (10) Veterinary clinics. (11) Parking garages. (12) R-12 residential district uses. (13) Restaurants as a secondary use. (14) Quick service food stores with retail sales of petroleum products. (15) Establishments for scientific research and development. (16) Marinas, commercial. (17) Bus stations. (18) Sports arenas, commercial. (19) Commercial recreation facilities. (20) Drive-in theaters. (21) Auction establishments. (22) Carwashes. (23) Cultural art centers and related facilities. (24) Telecommunications towers, provided such towers are located within 250 feet of a four-lane divided highway right-of-way or within 1,000 feet of an interstate highway right-of-way, and do not exceed 199 feet in height. (25) Self-storage facilities (completely enclosed structures). (26) Adult store. (27) Adult entertainment establishment. (Code 1991, § 14-468; Ord. No. 99-7, § I, 4-27-1999; Ord. No. 07-12, § II, 5-8-2007) Sec. 78-580. - Site size requirements. Site size requirements for C-H districts are as follows: (1) Minimum district size is not regulated, except districts should be sized and spaced to limit potential strip development impacts. (2) Minimum site area, 20,000 square feet. (3) Minimum site width, 150 feet.
(Code 1991, § 14-469) Sec. 78-581. - Bulk regulations. Bulk regulations for C-H districts are as follows: (1) Maximum building height: 40 feet, subject to special use permit approval by the city council. (2) Minimum yard requirements: a. Front yard, 40 feet. b. Side yard, not regulated, but if a side yard is provided, no such yard shall be less than 20 feet. c. Rear yard, 20 feet. (3) Maximum floor area ratio: 0.70. (Code 1991, § 14-470) In C-H districts, 15 percent of the gross area shall be landscaped open space. (Code 1991, § 14-471) Sec. 78-583. - Additional regulations. Additional regulations for C-H districts are as follows: (1) All refuse shall be contained in completely enclosed facilities. (2) On a corner site, no curb cut shall be located closer than 75 feet to the curbline extended from the intersecting street. (3) No curb cut shall be located closer than 30 feet to a side or rear site line, unless a common curb cut serves adjacent uses. In no instance shall the distance between separate curb cuts serving adjacent uses be less than 60 feet. (4) A freestanding use shall have no more than two curb cuts on any single right-of-way, and such curb cuts shall have a minimum distance of 60 feet between them. (5) The outdoor area devoted to storage, loading and display of goods shall be limited to that area so designated on an approved site plan. (6) Where a site is contiguous to property located in an R district or a C-T district, all buildings shall have a minimum setback of 50 feet from common property lines. A landscaped buffer strip of 30 feet in width shall be provided, with landscape materials and placement subject to final plan approval. Fencing may be required in such cases, with fence material and heights subject to final plan approval. (7) All outdoor storage areas shall be enclosed by screening. (8) Any establishment involved with the storage of fuel for sale shall be permitted only if the fuel is stored underground. (Code 1991, § 14-472) Notice: Purchaser is cautioned and urged to investigate any and all information and circumstances. Information contained in this web site and links is not guaranteed in terms of accuracy and/or scope. Mr. Alex Long, CCIM, AICP, ALC along@ccim.net 540.371.8700 Licensed in Virginia "CCIM" Certified Commercial Investment Member; "AICP" American Institute of Certified Planners, American Planning Association; "ALC" Accredited Land Consultant, Realtor Land Institute. Weichert Realtors; 1955 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 201; Fredericksburg, VA. 22401