Micro Brewery
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Fredericksburg, VA likes beer. 

Many at Oktoberfest visited other businesses  

"...............  About 10,000 people attended the fourth-annual Oktoberfest put on by Capital Ale House. A fifth event is planned next year, assuming the city approves it.......................

Among the other findings in Gold's survey were:  Only two people said they encountered any issues with security.  Eleven people said the wait times to get food and a drink or enter the event were too long. Just three people described their parking experience that day as "difficult."   Almost everyone surveyed said that they had visited downtown Fredericksburg previously, and that they planned to return downtown.....".

Bill Freehling: 540/374-5405; Email: bfreehling@freelancestar.com 10/19/2012                

Source:  Free Lance Star newspaper and Fredericksburg.com  online
Click HERE for the full story from the Free Lance Star newspaper

PRICE:  $395,000; price subject to change without notice.



Glasses Lined 2 Tours!

Why ?

Why should the Ice Plant become a Microbrewery?


A brewpub?


A brewery Co-op

 at left, photo of Old Dominion Brewery, one of the best.

A microbrewery in Fredericksburg (the Burg):

Fred Brew  or  Brew Fred ?

Brew Burg  or  Burg Brew ?


Microbrewery is generally applied to craft beer makers; they are generally small (under 6 million barrels a year), independent, and Traditional (see article at end of this web page).

Brewpubs generally have a microbrewery on premises, are small, and serve food and/or provide entertainment.

Brewery Co-op is a relatively new concept whereby several small craft beer makers and/or serious hobbyists will use one facility, thereby lowering overhead costs for all.  A very good article from the Washington Business Journal about a facility in the Baltimore, MD market is found at this hotlink:  

  • The Baltimore brewery is a hybrid Co-op in that ownership is not shared;

  • Craft brewers pay a fee on a per barrel basis to:

    • brew their craft beer;

    • package in bottle or kegs;

    • ship out of plant

Click HERE for a link to the Washington Business Journal news article

Ice Plant:  Building and grounds


Existing ASSETS at the Ice Plant

  ·         Three phase heavy electric;

·         Natural gas;

·         Cold box storage existing of about 2,300 sq. ft.;

·         A brick building with bare brick walls; ceiling height of about 18 feet in most of the building (after removing part of wood floor);

·         Aesthetics and moral sensibilities of recycling (adaptable reuse) a brick building circa 1940’s;

·         About ¾ an acre in the City of Fredericksburg;

·         Off street parking;

·         Zoning of mostly CH, Commercial Highway; Zoning Dept. stated the use is by-right for a microbrewery and/or brew pub, per conversation with zoning department;

·         Zoning allows for up to 40 feet in height,  a phases approach might result in a second phase going vertical with a beer garden on the roof of a second or third story, overlooking the huge park, trail, and river at the Caroline Street elevation

Click HERE to go to the page with detailed information on the Ice Plant



   At left, Williamsburg Ale Works; a tour taking place

 Ice  Plant  Location:


·         Located on Princess Anne Street, in the City, near the historic district, very close to and backing up to the 1.5 mile hiking/biking trail;

·         The site is in a HUB ZONE, Tourism Zone, and Technology Zone;

·         The site is located next to the “Old Mill” historic district;

·         The site is somewhat between the Route 1 (north/south) and Route 3 (east/west)  bridges over the Rappahannock, making access very strong to the region;

·         Census 2010 data from ESRI:  46,212 in a 3 mile ring; 83,397 in a 5 mile ring; 191,148 people within a 10 mile ring of subject;

·         Accessible within north/south and east/west axis of existing road networks and settlement patterns;

·         Princess Anne Street is identified in a number of City of Fredericksburg planning documents as a gateway corridor (Route 1 was main street); this section of Princess Anne Street is identified as a prime area for redevelopment;

Brewing Image 1




Above, is a concept rendering, side elevation of the property as a Brew-Pub, or microbrewery, or just a restaurant.

The main brick building has no insulation on the walls or ceiling (except the cold box).  Walls are exposed brick.  Wood rafters support a flat roof, maybe skylights in future. 

The building can be easily adapted to office, retail, a combination thereof and/or other uses.  The main building features large windows that can be used or covered over.

Adaptive Reuse

Double click thumbnails to enlarge


Adaptive reuse is a win-win for everyone.  The owner gets a property at a price less than what it would cost to being in a vacant lot in suburbia; the neighborhood is revitalized; local, state and federal governments benefit from taxes generated from increased economic activity.

Above, at the top of the web page is a side elevation rendering.

A photo of the existing conditions is followed by a front elevation rendering and concept of a layout.

Overall, the concept is to use the land in front of the building.  This concept features a patio with a large overhead trellis, which might become an enclosed heated/air conditioned space in the future. It is estimated that area is about 2,500 sq. ft. in size and would greatly increase the square footage to a total of about 7,500 sq. ft.   HOWEVER:  in contemplation of removing cold box area and loading docks to create more off-street parking.

The layout shows about 30+ parking spaces.  Further refinement of the layout can accommodate how the loading dock would articulate to the new parking lot.

The architectural renderings illustrate concepts that require further research, analysis and change to comport to zoning and building codes.

Recognition and thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency for the brownfields grant; The City of Fredericksburg Department of Economic Development and Tourism, One Environment Group (Richmond, VA), and Herlong and Associates, architects (Fredericksburg, VA).

Ice Plant Community:



·         The Ice Plant is the worst building on the block; 

·         Change the Subject property and the neighborhood changes as well;

 Overall City

·         Fredericksburg is a vibrant, active, prosperous city;

·         The City has a documented history of strong civic pride not just within its own borders, but amongst the outlying area residents who view the City as the crown jewel of the region and as much a part of their culture and lives as their own backyards;

·         Largest employers in the Planning District 16 area of four counties and the City are found within a mile of the Subject property:  Mary Washington Hospital and the University of Mary Washington;

·         The City has an economic development and tourism organization that is strong, creative, very active and a documented history of producing tangible results;


See Demographics at the first web page for population and income figures.


Ice Plant Market

 ·         The nearest existing microbrewery is the Blue/Gray at an industrial park in Spotsylvania County; Subject location is superior;

·         The Commonwealth of Virginia passed laws allowing breweries to sell their beer on site or off premises; thus, creating a huge marketing channel for the sale of product and branding;

o   Local produce, local processing, mostly local consumption, along with tourists = sustainability;

o   Community pride is another benefit, if the entrepreneur invests in and succeeds in building relationships with the community;

See the information on Demographics at the first page of this property

o   A local brewery can gain a community following as strong as a sports team;

o   Tie into the Oktoberfest that is a huge success in Fredericksburg;

·         As noted, previously, demographics are very favorable, combined with location near major employment generators and transportation arteries;


How Can a Microbrewery Grow Your Local Economy?

Thursday, January 10
2:30 - 4:00 pm EST

Everybody's into "buying local" nowadays. Why should your beer be any different?

Microbreweries offer substantial opportunities for communities. Not only do they allow for re-using vacant space, they also create local jobs; attract new companies or expand existing ones; and increase the tax base. In IEDC's first web seminar of 2013, you will hear the academic, professional, and practitioner perspectives on how microbreweries help grow their local economies.

One of several recent academic studies on the economic impact of microbreweries was completed by Scott Metzger of the University of Texas-San Antonio. Scott completed the study on behalf of the Texas Craft Brewers Guild, where he is also a member of their Board of Directors. Scott, in addition to being a well-respected economist, is also the owner of the popular Freetail Brewing Co. in San Antonio. He will share with attendees his extensive knowledge related to the economic development impact of microbreweries, experiences opening a brewery, as well as his advice for how best to nurture microbreweries in your community.

Our second speaker will provide the economic developer perspective. Ben Teague, Senior Vice President of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce and Executive Director of the Asheville, NC-based Asheville Economic Development Coalition has years of experience working with microbreweries in his community. Asheville, NC, current holder of the title 'Beer City USA,' is home to 11 microbreweries. They also recently secured deals with larger craft brewers New Belgium Brewery (Colorado), Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. (California), and Oskar Blues Brewery (Colorado) to invest hundreds of millions dollars in the Asheville-Buncombe County region of North Carolina. Ben has previously been a featured speaker on the subject of microbreweries and will share with participants his experience in working with local microbrewers and larger craft breweries and the impact they can have on the broader community.

• Hear from the perspective of a microbrewer, the steps that an economic development professional can take to attract and support microbreweries to their community.

• Learn from detailed new data that supports the strong economic impact of microbreweries, including growth potential, job creation, and growth in tax revenue.

• Understand the importance of place-making in nurturing microbrewery growth and how to capitalize on the success of microbreweries in your community.

• See how buzz created from local breweries can impact everything from tourism to research at your local university; lessons learned by our experts can help you as you explore microbreweries potential in your community or look to capitalize on those already pouring pints and growlers.



Craft Brewing Facts

  • Craft brewers currently provide an estimated 103,585 jobs in the U.S., including serving staff in brewpubs.
  • Growth of the craft brewing industry in 2011 was 13% by volume and 15% by dollars compared to growth in 2010 of 12% by volume and 15% by dollars.
  • Craft brewers sold an estimated 11,468,152 barrels* of beer in 2011, up from 10,133,571 in 2010.
  • The craft brewing sales share in 2011 was 5.7% by volume and 9.1% by dollars.
  • Craft brewer retail dollar value in 2011 was an estimated $8.7 billion, up from $7.6 billion in 2010.
  • As of March 26, 2012, the Brewers Association is aware of 250 brewery openings in 2011 (174 microbreweries and 76 brewpubs) and 37 brewery closings (12 microbreweries and 25 brewpubs).
  • 1,940 craft breweries operated for some or all of 2011, comprised of 1,063 brewpubs, 789 microbreweries and 88 regional craft breweries.

Other U.S. Brewing Industry Facts

  • Overall U.S. beer sales were down an estimated 1.3% by volume in 2011, 1.2% in 2010.
  • Imported beer sales were up 1% in 2011 and up 5% in 2010.
  • Overall U.S. beer sales were approximately 199,937,239 barrels and imported beer sales were 27,238,339 barrels in 2010.
  • 1,989 total breweries operated for some or all of 2011, the highest total since the 1880s.

* 1 barrel = 31 US gallons   Last updated on 3/26/2012  

 Source:  http://www.brewersassociation.org/pages/business-tools/craft-brewing-statistics/facts


An Excellent Source:  American Brewers Association . Org


2011 Craft Beer Industry

  • Growth of the craft brewing industry in 2011 was 13% by volume and 15% by retail dollars.

2011 Craft Beer Industry Production Volume

Regional craft breweries 9,029,607 bbl
Contract brewing companies 228,504 bbl
Microbreweries 1,441,505 bbl
Brewpubs 768,536 bbl

Domestic Craft Beer Sales

2011 11,468,152 barrels
2010 10,133,571 barrels

How big is the US beer market?

Overall US Beer Market in 2011:

  • Down 1%
  • Approximately $96 billion
  • Selling 199,937,239 barrels of beer.


  • 1 barrel = 31 US gallons
  • 31 US gallons = 2 half-barrels
  • 2 half-barrels (15.5 gallon) kegs = 13.78 cases (of 24 12-ounce bottles).

See Craft Brewer Defined for more details on industry definitions.

Update: Brewers Association Reports 2012 Mid-Year Growth For U.S. Craft Brewers

Important Information

Media should contact Paul Gatza, Julia Herz, or Barbara Fusco at the Brewers Association for more information. 1.888.822.6273 or +1303.447.0816.

Comprehensive reports and analysis will be printed in the May/June issue of The New Brewer, The Journal of the Brewers Association, released in mid-May each year. The issue can be purchased directly from the Brewers Association by calling 1.888.822.6273, +1.303.447.0816.

Craft Brewer Defined

Craft Beer DefinitionAn American craft brewer is small, independent and traditional.

Small: Annual production of 6 million barrels of beer or less. Beer production is attributed to a brewer according to the rules of alternating proprietorships. Flavored malt beverages are not considered beer for purposes of this definition.

Independent: Less than 25% of the craft brewery is owned or controlled (or equivalent economic interest) by an alcoholic beverage industry member who is not themselves a craft brewer.

Traditional: A brewer who has either an all malt flagship (the beer which represents the greatest volume among that brewers brands) or has at least 50% of its volume in either all malt beers or in beers which use adjuncts to enhance rather than lighten flavor.

The following are some concepts related to craft beer and craft brewers:

  • Craft brewers are small brewers.
  • The hallmark of craft beer and craft brewers is innovation. Craft brewers interpret historic styles with unique twists and develop new styles that have no precedent.
  • Craft beer is generally made with traditional ingredients like malted barley; interesting and sometimes non-traditional ingredients are often added for distinctiveness.
  • Craft brewers tend to be very involved in their communities through philanthropy, product donations, volunteerism, and sponsorship of events.
  • Craft brewers have distinctive, individualistic approaches to connecting with their customers.
  • Craft brewers maintain integrity by what they brew and their general independence, free from a substantial interest by a non-craft brewer.
  • The majority of Americans live within ten miles of a craft brewer.


Please note:  Owner is a licensed real estate agent in Virginia.


Notice:  Purchaser is cautioned and urged to investigate any and all information and circumstances.  Information contained in this web site and links is not guaranteed in terms of accuracy and/or scope.

Mr. Alex Long, CCIM, AICP, ALC        along@ccim.net     540.371.8700     Licensed in Virginia

"CCIM"   Certified Commercial Investment Member;  "AICP"  American Institute of Certified Planners, American Planning Association;  "ALC" Accredited Land Consultant, Realtor Land Institute.  

Weichert Realtors;  1955 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 201; Fredericksburg, VA.  22401

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