21 Acres - Fall Hill Avenue
Approximately 21 acres Within the corporate limits of the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia Less than five minutes from: University of Mary Washington; Regional Hospital; Regional Library; Historic Downtown; VRE Commuter Rail Service OTHER THAN BY CAR: Fall Hill is next to the "Canal Path", a well designed and maintained paved trail along the canal with direct linkages to: Regional Hospital, Route 1 shopping area; University of Mary Washington, and the Historic District and Downtown Fredericksburg.
Context: Fall Hill (21 Acres) is bounded by an historic eighteenth century estate with Revolutionary War and Civil War history, and is under easement; several tracts under conservation easements; and the Rappahannock River and City Canal. The large Regional hospital center at Mary Washington Hospital and the University are also immediate dominant features. Downtown historic district is to the east and a huge power center and hotels, etc. to the west. City of Fredericksburg Real Estate Tax Rate: 0.54 per $100; 2008.
Price: $1,250,000; terms are cash.
GIS Maps Below, double click to enlarge, print, or save NOTE: All maps and data are approximations and not guaranteed in terms of accuracy and/or scope.
Zoning; R16 (16 du per acre) is across the street.
Context; Conservation Easements; Subject is bounded by conservation easements.
NOTE: The Owner will give consideration to selling approximately 4.2 acres on the Rappahannock River for $500,000. The parcel has about 684 feet of direct frontage on the Rappahannock River.
Detail, Topography, River Parcel; City of Fredericksburg, Approximation only.
Hot link to City of Fredericksburg: http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/
Below, frontage on the Rappahannock River
Location: Double click (ABOVE) to view and or print map. ___________________________________________ Hot link to City of Fredericksburg: http://www.fredericksburgva.gov/ ________________________________________ Pedestrian Access - the ultimate transportation The "Canal Path"
Mary Washington Hospital - performance (2011)
A new road will directly link this tract to Mary Washington Hospital and there is the existing paved trail. Improvements to the Area Below, the Fall Hill bridge over the Canal will be replaced and a new foot bridge, linking the Subject Property to the canal path, directly, and going under the road. Click HERE for a PDF of the PowerPoint detailing the project. It should be noted that in the City Comprehensive Plan, Fall Hill is to be joined to the Mary Washington Hospital loop-road, in vicinity of directly across from the Subject Property.
Below, Plan to widen Fall Hill Avenue and tie it into the ring road for the major hospital. The 21 acres will be at the junction of the new road connecting the hospital and Fall Hill Avenue. The Subject property is at the canal and new bridge, to the north. This will position the Subject property to be directly accessible to the Regional Acute Center Hospital with about 420 beds.
The hospital is regional, 400+ beds, an acute care offering a wide range of services from cardiac to cancer and a broad range of disciplines. An additional 300,000+ square feet of medical offices is next to the complex.
Location: Mary Washington Hospital is a regional facility and it less than 1/2 mile from the Subject tract. The University of Mary Washington is less than a mile.
Fall Hill Estates Context The 21 acres is a part of the historic Fall Hill Estate.
Orange - Subject Tract Pink - City of Fredericksburg - under conservation easement; no development allowed. Green - Mansion tract - under conservation easement; no development allowed. Red hatched area - 13 acres, under a conservation easement, can only be four house sites. Yellow - about 20 acres purchased for $2,100,000; mostly in a flood plain.
Please NOTE: The Fall Hill mansion tract is NOT for sale. That property is posted "No Trespassing". Do not go on the mansion tract. The 21 acres is shown by appointment only; please contact Alex Long for an appointment: 540.371.8700.
Fall Hill Estates Long frontage on the Rappahannock River
Fall Hill Estates Conclusion: This Tract is master planned
for "Medium Density Residential", per the 2007 City of Fredericksburg
Comprehensive Plan.
Medium Density Residential "This category permits up to eight (8) dwelling units per
acre and may include a planned mixture of single family detached and
attached units This residential density is applicable to many infill and
transition areas, to permit new development to be consistent with
existing neighborhood residential patterns." Source:
City Comp Plan, Land
Use Section, page 95:
Double click to view and/or print picture; boundaries are approximate Notice: Purchaser is cautioned and urged to investigate any and all information and circumstances. Information contained in this web site and links is not guaranteed in terms of accuracy and/or scope. Mr. Alex Long, CCIM, AICP, ALC along@ccim.net 540.371.8700 Licensed in Virginia "CCIM" Certified Commercial Investment Member; "AICP" American Institute of Certified Planners, American Planning Association; "ALC" Accredited Land Consultant, Realtor Land Institute. Weichert Realtors; 1955 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 201; Fredericksburg, VA. 22401