City of Fredericksburg, Virginia
Data Center Site
21 acres with a development
envelope of about 10 acres
Great for a 'discrete' site;
R&D with access to Washington DC market and points south and east;
and/or COOP functions.
As noted,
below, substation with dual separate feeds (230kv and 115kv) is about a
mile from Subject; Subject has both 115kv line directly on site and the
corridor (Dominion Power) to accommodate redundancy feeds.

Note Subject is located with
1,000 feet of Mary Washington, which is a
Regional Acute
Hospital of 412 beds and has large utility and
telecommunication feeds and redundancy.
A sub-station is located to the
east of the Hospital.

Within corporate limits of City of
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401; Near 3219 Fall Hill Avenue;
street address are not assigned to large acreage parcels until site plan
- Located between Washington, D.C. and
Richmond, VA. (50 miles);
Regional jet-port airport is about 15 minutes to the north;
- Access to
Amtrack, VRE commuter rail at downtown Fredericksburg;
About 45 minutes to Dahlgren, Naval Weapons Laboratory;
- Within 5 minutes
of at least seven hotels and about 3 million square feet of
- Within 5 minutes
of historic downtown and downtown hotel.
Below, satellite image; red
star marks site. Large complex to the south is Mary Washington
Hospital and office complex; to the east, University of Mary Washington.
West of I-95 is the Central Park commercial area of about 2M+ sq. ft.
and then the Celebrate Virginia complex of hotels, convention center,

- Although well
situated near many amenities, Subject is bounded by an historic
estate, which is under a conservation easement and several other
tracts protected from development; about 80+ acres of open space;
- Subject is
bounded by an old canal and the Rappahannock River, but is well out
of the 100 or even 500 occurance floodplains.
- Subject
configuration is such that the development envelope is mostly
21 Acres, total; conservatively, development envelope of
about 10 acres. Subject is accessible but has low visibility.
Although located within the corporate
limits of the City, the neighborhood of the Subject tract is dominated
by open space (Fall Hill Mansion tract and several other tracts
under conservation easements; about 80 acres).
Mary Washington Hospital is a 410 bed
hospital and acute care center, about 2,500 feet down the canal path
from Subject. The hospital has both electric and fiber redundancy.
Subject has some frontage on the Rappahannock River and canal.
The development envelope is well out of any floodplain occurrence.
A portion Subject fronts upon the City Canal, which
might be a feature to use for cooling: The canal is about 2 miles in
length, and will be filled with water; aeration systems (permits
necessary) could be used to dissipate heat from the canal water, after
transfer from heat exchangers from the data center. Subject also fronts
upon the Rappahannock River.
City public water existing at 8" line; possible to
loop lines from other sources; a 12" water line is about a half mile

The canal is
about two miles in length and is contiguous to Subject.
A concrete pipe,
36 inches in diameter is at the bottom of the canal for about one mile
in length and was used to transport water from the Rappahannock River to
the City water treatment plant. That water treatment plant was
closed. The concrete pipe MIGHT (subject to approvals) be
available for use as a conduit for piping for a geo-thermal component of
cooling for a data center.
How much water is in
the canal? The amount varies depending on how much water is coming
in from the related watershed.
Approximately 9.5 million gallons
2. When
will the canal be filled?
The canal is currently full to capacity. Under
normal circumstances, the canal will remain at its current full
capacity. Bridge inspections, canal gate inspections, and other
maintenance related work may require the canal to be drained on
occasions (partially or fully). The new canal pump station on the
Rappahannock River (behind old VEPCO plant) is now on-line and able
to supply water to the canal during dry periods. Stormwater flow
normally keeps the canal at full capacity.
3. Who, at
the Corps, is the contact for aerating the canal.
The canal belongs to the
City. The Public Works Department is responsible for the aeration
system, as well as the canal water level.
Dave King;
Assistant Director of Public Works; City of Fredericksburg, VA;
715 Princess Anne Street; P.O. Box 7447;
Fredericksburg, VA 22404-7447
Office: (540) 372-1023; Fax: (540) 372-1158
of wastewater for cooling data centers and then
heat applied to other uses.

The Cooling Channel is brought to you by:
Opengate Data Systems
IBM Unveils New Water Cooling Technique
July 1st, 2009 : Rich Miller
A close-up of
the IBM Aquasar server blade shows the
piping and processor enclosures
supporting the water-cooling system.
IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich (ETH) have unveiled plans
for a new water-cooled supercomputer that
will reuse excess heat in the universitys
buildings. The new Aquasar
system is expected to decrease the carbon
footprint of the system by up to 85 percent.
The system is
the result of a
collaboration between
ETH and IBM scientists
on chip-level
water-cooling and energy
reuse. The supercomputer
will consist of two IBM
BladeCenter servers in
one rack and will have a
peak performance of
about 10 Teraflops. Each
of the blades will be
equipped with a
high-performance liquid
cooler on each
processor, as well as
input and output
pipeline networks and
connections, which allow
each blade to be
connected and
disconnected easily to
the entire system (see
photo above).
Chip-level cooling with
a water temperature of
about 60 degrees C (140
degrees F) will keep
the chip at operating
temperature well below
the maximum 85 degrees C
(185 degrees). The high
input temperature of the
coolant results in an
even higher-grade heat
as an output, which in
this case will be about
65 degrees C.
The pipelines from
the individual blades
link to the larger
network of the server
rack, which in turn are
connected to the main
water transportation
network. The
supercomputer will
require about 10 liters
of water for cooling,
and a pump ensures a
flow rate of roughly 30
liters per minute.
The entire cooling
system is a closed
circuit: the cooling
water is heated
constantly by the chips
and consequently cooled
to the required
temperature as it passes
through a passive heat
exchanger, thus
delivering the removed
heat directly to the
heating system of the
university in this
experimental phase. This
eliminates the need for
energy-hungry chillers.
This project is a
significant step towards
emission-free computing
and data centers,
explains Dr. Bruno
Michel, Manager Advanced
Thermal Packaging at
IBMs Zurich Research
Laboratory. If we
capture and transport
the waste heat from the
active components in a
computer system as
efficiently as possible,
we can reuse it as a
resource, thus saving
energy and lowering
carbon emissions.
Aquasar will be used
by the Computational
Science and Engineering
Lab of the Computer
Science Department at
ETH Zurich, for
multiscale flow
simulations for its
research in
nanotechnology and fluid
This diagram explains
how Aquasar will work.
Click the image for a
larger version.

Above, double click for
U.S.G.S. quad map (Fredericksburg, 1:24,000; 1994)
Please NOTE: the
Subject tract and the land contiguous to it are NOT parkland of the U.S.
government; the U.S.G.S. made a mistake on this map.

High tension electric
lines on site; access to established electric easements between two
sub-stations; this is the same easement corridor servicing the 410 bed
hospital. Contact for information on electric infrastructure:
Dominion Resources: Mr. Bob Jones; 540.752.2018
No detailed schematics of fiber infrastructure are
available to the general public. The City of Fredericksburg is
like the hub of a wheel, with spokes coming out from the hub. This
Subject tract is near the center of that hub. Verizon employee
Dave Russell at 540.368-8176 can be
Notice: Purchaser
is cautioned and urged to investigate any and all information and
circumstances. Information contained in this web site and links is not
guaranteed in terms of accuracy and/or scope.
Mr. Alex Long,
Licensed in Virginia
Certified Commercial Investment Member;
"AICP" American Institute of Certified Planners, American
Planning Association; "ALC"
Accredited Land Consultant, Realtor Land Institute.
Weichert Realtors; 1955
Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 201; Fredericksburg, VA. 22401
